The Peoples' Voice Cafe
239 Thompson St, New York, NY 10012 / 212-787-3903

PVC is an alternative coffeehouse offering live and live-stream entertainment in New York City,
presenting folk, blues, jazz, rap, poetry, spoken word, storytelling, theater and dance since 1979.
We shine a spotlight on social issues and artists from underrepresented cultures.

Peoples Voice Cafe

Alcohol-free ~ Fully Wheelchair Accessible


The People's Voice Cafe depends on its volunteers. Whether you are greeting people at the door, working the refreshments table, setting up chairs, helping with mailings, or working the sound system, you are a valuable member of the People's Voice family... and you get to enjoy a concert for free! For more information or if you'd like to volunteer, call 212-787-3903, or email the Volunteer Coordinator at

Specific opportunities include:

We could really use someone with experience to help us publicize our shows and venue.

Concert Attendants:
We always need folks on Saturday nights to set up the chairs and sound system, sit at the gate, etc. Volunteering gets you in free for the concert that night.
