The Peoples' Voice Cafe
239 Thompson St, New York, NY 10012 / 212-787-3903

PVC is an alternative coffeehouse offering live and live-stream entertainment in New York City,
presenting folk, blues, jazz, rap, poetry, spoken word, storytelling, theater and dance since 1979.
We shine a spotlight on social issues and artists from underrepresented cultures.

Peoples Voice Cafe

Alcohol-free ~ Fully Wheelchair Accessible

Past Seasons at PVC

Spring 2010 Fall 2010
Spring 2011 Fall 2011
Spring 2012 Fall 2012
Spring 2013 Fall 2013
Spring 2014 Fall 2014
Spring 2015 Fall 2015
Spring 2016 Fall 2016
Spring 2017 Fall 2017
Spring 2018 Fall 2018
Spring 2019 Fall 2019
Spring 2020
Fall 2020-Spring 2021 (Pandemic Livestreams)
Fall 2021
Spring 2022 Fall 2022
Spring 2023 Fall 2023
Spring 2024

Past Performers at PVC since 1979
Please let us know if we left you out, or if your website has changed.
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Concetta Abbate
Sharon Abreu
African Folk Heritage Circle
Pamela Jean Agaloos
Mike Agranoff
David Alpher
Peter Alsop
David Amram
Eric Andersen
Jamie Anderson
Ren Anton
Hillel Arnold
Asaran Earth Trio
Asian American Art Ensemble
Atomic Comics (Fran Peavey & Charlie Varon)

Robin Bady
Lou and Peter Berryman
Betty and the Baby Boomers
Tony Bird
Marc Blitzstein Centennial
Jake Blount
David Blume
Michael Boin
Deni Bonet
Marcie Boyd
Oscar Brand
Bread is Rising Poetry Collective
Bright Morning Star
Brooklyn Community Storytellers
Brooklyn Women's Chorus
Roy Brown
Ellen Bukstel
Buskin & Batteau
Rick Burkhardt
Jay Byrd

Sally Campbell
Guy Carawan
Celtic Crossing
Len Chandler
Ping Chun
Church Ladies for Choice
Lui Collins
Ray Collins
Concerts for Compassion
Scott Cook
Debra Cowan
Vincent Cross
The Caroline Cutroneo Band

Damaged Care
Barbara Dane
Ellen Davidson
Chris Davis
Guy Davis
Joanne Davis
Lydia Adams Davis
KJ Denhert
Beth DeSombre
Annie Dinerman
Disabled in Action Singers
Alix Dobkin
Pamela Drake
Dr. Joyce Duncan
Jaque DuPree
James Durst

Emma's Revolution
Eve Ensler

Toby Fagenson
Anne Feeney
Amy Fix
Roberta Flack
John Flynn
Four Shillings Short
Friction Farm
Alan Friend
Jon Fromer
Bing Futch

Gaia Wolf
Gathering Sparks
Fred Gee
Bob Gibson
Mike Glick/Generations
Claudia Kanile'a Goddard
Goddess Gospel Choir
Lara Gonzalez & Yael Shacham
Susan Gordon-Clark
Mara Goodman
Gotham Rock Choir
Judy Gorman
Bev Grant
Johnny Grave
Emma Graves
Gary Green
Robin Greenstein
Greg Greenway
Ben Grosscup

Hali Hammer
Spook Handy
Jack Hardy
Harmonic Insurgence
Lonnie Harrington
Kim and Reggie Harris
Odella Harris
Gary Hensley
Alex Henri, Jr.
Dilson Hernandez
Carolyn Hester
Priscilla Herdman
Jenny Hill
Michael Hill's Blues Mob
The Human Condition
Pat Humphries
Jenny Hurwitz

In Process
Todd Isler
Ivy & Miranda

Jaeger & Reid
Joe Jencks
Jim & Jean (Jim Glover & Jean Ray)
Johnson Girls
Marshall Jones
Matt Jones
Just Harmony

Si Kahn
Howard Kaplan
Paul Kaplan
Colleen Kattau
Sharon Katz & Peace Train
Katzberg & Snyder
The Kennedys
Charlie King & Karen Brandow
Grant King
Terry Kitchen
Carrie & Michael Kline
Ray Korona Band
Beth Kotkin

David Laibman
Pat Lamanna
Chris Lang
Jack Landron
Joel Landy
Skip LaPlante
Lara & Yael Percussion duo
Lavender Light Gospel Choir
Donal Leace
Sharleen Leahey
Legacy (Zenobia, Jacque DuPree & Ben Silver)
Kristin Lems
Heather Lev
Eric Levine
Mara Levine
Mark Levy
Lifeline (Terri Clark & Penny Rosenwasser)
Dave Lippman
Carole Rose Livingston

Rod MacDonald
MacDougal Street Rent Party
Jeane Mackey
Mahina Movement
Jay Mankita
George Mann
George Mann & Julius Margolin
Bruce Markow
Daria Marmaluk-Hajioannou
David Massengill
Evy Mayer
Ed McCurdy
Bobbie McGee
Dan Milner
Sylvia Miskoe
Catherine Moon
Geof Morgan
Movement in Motion
Kristabelle Munson
Luci Murphy
Music of the Andes

Kevin Nathaniel
Holly Near
Tom Neilson
Rick Nestler
Laurie Ellen Neustadt
New Song Quintet
Abby Newton
NYC Labor Chorus
NYC Street Singers
Bob Norman
Honey Novick

The Occuponics
Alix Olsen
Chris Owens/Owens Brothers Band

Tom Pacheco
Jim Page
Pam Parker
Peter Pasco
Linnea Paton
Tom Paxton
Suni Paz
Pearls of Wisdom
Dennis Pearne
Ruth Pelham
Larry Penn
Bill Perlman
Pete Smith Band
Faith Petric
Jon Pickow
Piedmont Bluz
Sarah Pirtle
Sandy Pliskin
Jason Poole
Anne Price
Prince Myshkins
Professor Louie & Fast Eddie

Cole Quest

Joel Rafael
Raging Grannies
Jennifer Richman
Rick & Andy
Jolie Rickman
Hank Roberts
John Roberts
Earl Robinson
Bob Rodriguez
Tao Rodriguez-Seeger
Jean Rohe
Adele Rolider
Lisa Roma
Elizabeth Rose
Leon Rosselson
David Roth

Rachel Sage
Rebecca Salazar
Tony Saletan
Tommy Sands
Henry Sapoznik
Dan Schatz
Ken Schatz
Faith Schwartz
Sechaba Cultural Group
Sedition Ensemble
Peggy Seeger
Pete Seeger
Aaron Seglin
Serious Business
Chris Seymour
Patricia Shih
Judi Silvano
Ben Silver
Deborah Silverstein
The Singing Conquerors
Skinner & T'witch
Lorin Sklamberg
Fred Small
Abby Smith
Erica Smith
Tom Smith
Solidarity Singers
Willie Sordill
Rosalie Sorrels
Spiderwoman Theatre
Fred Stanton
Fred Starner
Bill Steele
Paul Stein
Rachel Stone
Stuart Stotts
Steve Suffet

Theater of The Oppressed
Thelma Thomas
Sara Thomsen
Three Card Monte
Gina Tlamsa
Bryndis "Tise" Tobin
Ben Tousley
Lares Tresjan
Mary Trevor
Two of a Kind
Edwina Lee Tyler

Sarah Underhill

Dave Van Ronk
Mercy Van Vlack
Voices of Shalom

Marion Wade
Walkabout Clearwater Chorus
Andy Kulana Wang
Laura Warfield
Leah Warnick
Dan & Molly Lynn Watt
Krista Weaver
Ellen Weiss
Laura Wetzler
Emily White
Josh White Jr.
Pat Wictor
Camela Widad
Lindsey Wilson
Elise Witt
Women of the Calabash
Heather Wood
Workmen's Circle Chorus
Barbara Wren
Lorre Wyatt

Liz Zelvin
Roy Zimmerman
