The Peoples' Voice Cafe
239 Thompson St, New York, NY 10012 / 212-787-3903

PVC is an alternative coffeehouse offering live and live-stream entertainment in New York City,
presenting folk, blues, jazz, rap, poetry, spoken word, storytelling, theater and dance since 1979.
We shine a spotlight on social issues and artists from underrepresented cultures.

Peoples Voice Cafe

Alcohol-free ~ Fully Wheelchair Accessible

About Us:

If you want to spend Saturday evening with friendly people who don't like unfair wages and working conditions, wars, poverty, racism, sexism or homophobia, but do want a future in which people live in peace and justice on a healthy planet, the Peoples' Voice Cafe is the place for you! The Cafe is an alternative coffeehouse offering quality entertainment - socially conscious music, and also poetry, storytelling, puppetry, dance and theater. Much of the music heard at the Cafe was inspired by the experiences of people fighting for survival and a better life.

The performers represent many different cultures and express their concerns and hopes about a wide variety of humanitarian issues, but also sing about love and the lighter side of life -- typically with lots of audience participation.

A Strong Tradition:
The Peoples' Voice Cafe has its roots in a time-honored tradition combining the arts and social action. Our Cafe was founded in 1979 by members of Songs of Freedom and Struggle (now a national organization known as the People's Music Network for Songs of Freedom and Struggle). Both PMN and our Cafe are dedicated to creating, supporting, promoting and performing progressive music and culture. The Cafe is a not-for-profit collective that is not affiliated with any political or religious organization.

A Sense of Community:
Other elements add to the performance to create the Peoples' Voice experience. We offer inexpensive, homemade refreshments. You can buy performer CDs as well as used books and records. Our literature table features an array of flyers announcing political and cultural events. Best of all are the people -- our audience and performers, our members and volunteers -- our community.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Website, blurbs and photos:
To subscribe to our mailing list:
Programming and Booking: See Booking Criteria

Our banner was designed and created by founding member Judy Gorman in 1979. When the original burlap started falling apart, a new banner was created by Viktoriya Pinskaya, Moreen Ivice Rose, Jody Leight and Ruth Indeck.

Ray Korona (1946-2014) was a guiding spirit of the Peoples' Voice Cafe since its early years. Ray's tireless dedication to the PVC; his generosity in sharing his time, skills, and talents; and the annual Ray Korona Band concerts celebrating our community cannot be replaced. His passing left a hole in the fabric of our lives that can be patched over but never mended.
